A sea of Pacer blue at South West Rocks Running Festival

The Pacer blue was everywhere at South West Rocks last Sunday, with members entered in every event from the kids 300m to the full marathon, and plenty of podium action to boot.

There were outright placings, age groups placings and personal bests left, right and centre and the Pacers taking out the team shield for the event was the icing on the cake!

Some of the achievements across the races included Cliff’s outright first place in the marathon, Toni and Laura taking out second and third place respectively in the marathon, Clarissa third female in the 10km and age group wins for Natalia (marathon), Adam (10km) and Ryan (10km).

A few members tackled the full marathon distance for the first time including Madeline, Gary and Natalia. Congratulations guys!

Plenty of PBs were achieved as well – Jo and Steve Ashton and Chel among them!

Lastly a shout out to those members who couldn’t compete in their usual distance or at their usual speed but still participated and helped the team take out the shield!

Happy Global Running Day

Well, Port parkrun was a PB-a-thon for Pacer members last weekend. Congratulations go out to Drew, Carina, Alexis, Damon, Steph and the crazy-fast Ryan on your PB runs!!!

Rob ran his 100th parkrun, congrats Rob!

A small, but no less amazing, Pacer team tackled the Brisbane Running Festival with Kylie B (the original) taking on the 10km, Sue smashing the half and Chris B absolutely killing it in the marathon! Well done crew!

Thanks to a frantic flurry of last minute voting, Pacers managed to win first place in the Essential Energy community grants, awarded $2,500 which will go towards new run/event equipment. Very exciting times ahead for our wonderful little Running Club!