Pacers get busted on the Gold Coast

A small crew of Pacers travelled to one of our groups’ favourite destination races on the weekend, with team members competing in the 10km, half marathon and marathon at the Gold Coast Marathon event.

Karina and Dana took on the not-so-nice conditions on Saturday to complete the 10km.

Young master Binskin continues to smash goals, taking out an age-group win in the 10km! Congrats Ryan!!!

Rachel, Shannon, Amanda and Jo earned some new bling with an early start in the half marathon on Sunday. Well done ladies!

Cliff paced Adam to his first, long-awaited sub-3hr marathon, finally shaking the monkey off his back! Fabulous effort Adam!

Steve bagged a new PB, joining forces with Binnie up to about the 35km before soldiering on alone to finish strong. Gary and Dan smashed out another marathon each, and Dave encouraged Cindy through the sufferfest that is the last 10km of the mara to complete her first 42.2km.

A sea of Pacer blue at South West Rocks Running Festival

The Pacer blue was everywhere at South West Rocks last Sunday, with members entered in every event from the kids 300m to the full marathon, and plenty of podium action to boot.

There were outright placings, age groups placings and personal bests left, right and centre and the Pacers taking out the team shield for the event was the icing on the cake!

Some of the achievements across the races included Cliff’s outright first place in the marathon, Toni and Laura taking out second and third place respectively in the marathon, Clarissa third female in the 10km and age group wins for Natalia (marathon), Adam (10km) and Ryan (10km).

A few members tackled the full marathon distance for the first time including Madeline, Gary and Natalia. Congratulations guys!

Plenty of PBs were achieved as well – Jo and Steve Ashton and Chel among them!

Lastly a shout out to those members who couldn’t compete in their usual distance or at their usual speed but still participated and helped the team take out the shield!

Aquaman take out PPL and the R-Adelaidians dominate

In one of the least surprising surprises since the Bigeni baby announcement, Chel and James (aka Team Aquaman) busted open the Pacer Parkrun League final to take out the win! Congrats Aquaman, well-deserved!

And in a town a little further from home, five Pacers smashed out four marathons and a half marathon at the Adelaide Marathon Festival. Cliff led the race for the first 100m before settling in to run a cracking sub-3 hour marathon. Jon lucked out with the weather, avoiding his usual 35km mark sufferfest to clock a 3.36 on very little training. Rinnie smashed out her first full marathon with Dave supporting her all the way. And Sally gritted her teeth through injury to finish the half marathon. Well done guys!

Dan’s first marathon

The quiet achiever Dan Watts smashed out his very first marathon at NewRun (Newcastle Running Festival) on Sunday. Paced by Cliff Hoeft and Jon Binskin, Dan crossed the line in 3hrs 24mins, an epic time for a first attempt at the 42.2km distance! Dan even bagged an age group place! Congrats Dan the Man!!!

Dan, Cliff and Jon were joined at NewRun by Chel, Carina and Bernadette who ran the 10km.