As November 2020 comes to a close, we can look on the bright side and be content that we are now another month closer to the reopening of parkrun and other iconic races we are all missing. Another successful month of pacerdom saw the usual speed week activities and pursuit Sundays but the biggest memory will be the Festival of Trish when we celebrated our beloved Trish’s big birthday with not 1 but 2 social runs with cake rewards at the end.

Speed Week and Pursuit Results

Pacer Spring parkrun Champions have been finalised after 3 (not) parkrun Speed Week events where contestants were able to accumulate up to 30 points in their grade competition.

In late news the Pacer Super Series extras continued with 10 and 21k times being recorded in what was described as a Sufferfest and while this was on Gary found a parkrun open in Canberra and notched up his 45th different parkrun event.