Pacer January Review
We were in the summer hiatus for scheduled training and club events for much of January with only the new 5k Championships continuing. By the end of January though we have had the restart of Pacer Sunday monthly events with the Pursuit, Strength Training returning at Macquarie Park on Wednesday afternoons and the Athletics NSW season resuming at the Country Championships in Wollongong. The 10k Super Series restarts this coming weekend as well.
In the news Jon travelled all the way to the USA to compete in the Louisiana marathon and smash it in the cold. Well done (9th overall, 1stAge Group and 1st Masters). Gary travelled to Wollongong to pick up a couple of podium places at the Masters while locally Steve Ashton finished 1st in the pursuit. In late news Molly C earned a podium place and a Silver Medal at the NSW Combined Event Championships at the weekend. Congratulations Molly.
In the 5k championships with spectacular PBs run recently Bernard, Lily and Meaghan have made big moves on the leadership board. As it stands the leaders are Fi (Diamond Women), James and Steve (Diamond Men), Lily (Platinum W), Bernard (Platinum M), Leigh (Gold W), Pat (Gold M), Luana (Silver) and Meaghan (Bronze). There is plenty of time for all members to improve their positions in February when the Summer 5k comp will end,