While we are still in our Covid Apocalypse and unable to compete at any regular events it is our good fortune to be able to compete in the club activities. So even though Beach2 Brother, the rescheduled NewRun and City To Surf were either cancelled or gone virtual we have had a full month of competition plus some. The buzz surrounding the Ryano v The Poachers (1x5km verses 5x1km) challenge will be hard to match.
Speed week once again started the month and while in the gents Ryan and James repeated their grade topping performances as did Karina in the ladies Leigh, Bel and Alana added their names to this illustrious list of monthly winners. A reminder to all parkrun and (not) parkrun competitors your best 5 performances count in the championships.

The Pacer Mighty Mile was run and won with a familiar feel about the individual winners as Ryan and Ebanie stood atop the rostrum again. Ryan in a club record of 4m 43s beat out Andie who beat the adult club record on the day. Ebanie’s time of 6:04 is the best time by a female in the post Kirstin age.

The 11th saw us run our second Pacer Handicap Pursuit 8km Event. Brent, Amanda and Gary were the podium places.

Meanwhile one of our members was able to race against their peers from beyond the club with Ryan competing in the state cross country long course championships and placing on the podium in an outstanding time under 20 minutes for the 6km course. Recent member Trent also had success in his age group. Congratulations to both runners.

Which brings us to the event that created the greatest buzz among the members for many long months. The Ryano v Poachers 5k event where Ryan was expected to run 5k against 5 speedsters taking turns to run 1k each in a relay. The challengers comprised a team who individually held the adult club records for 1k, 1 mile, half marathon, IM and an aging parkrun champion. So much interest was shown that the 1k time trial leading up to the event will no doubt become a more permanent event on our calendar after Paul smashed out a new club record. To cut a long story short Ryan must have been growing tired of seeing the back of his opponents as they streaked away at the start of their legs only for him to wind them back in before the next relay runner set out to break him again. Break him they could not despite numerous personal bests by the challengers and a new club record to Paul of 2m50s, Ryan prevailed in the final sprint to the line. Such entertainment. Brilliant performances all round. So much encouragement that Eb then went a set a new female club record for the 1k as well of 3:31.