October began with amazingly strong performances in the Beach 2 Brother event and finished with Hugh’s brilliant result in the 70.3 Ironman World Championship in Utah. In between there were many memorable and inspiring runs. The efforts of Pacers at the long distance trail events (Blackall100 and UTA) were full of standout determination, grit and ability while the Melbourne marathon crew revived a Pacer presence down south. The 10k was October’s Super Series distance and kicked off our new competition season. All this when our short distance monthly events were in hibernation in what counts as the Pacer off season.

Our weekly training sessions continue to be enormously popular with impressive numbers of members training at each. Particularly pleasing has been the surge in Junior numbers and the amazing number of parkrun PB’s and speed. We should mention Natalie who bettered her Port parkrun time on 4 Saturdays this month. Outstanding efforts.