Amazing as it sounds but the cancellation of the Gold Coast Marathon weekend was turned into the Pacer Port Macquarie Marathon which for all the participants will live on as a cherished running memory. With no fewer than 21 official club finishers in the marathon and 10 in the half it was such positive experience pulled from the ashes. Best summed up by EJ (there are too many thankyous to list)
A HUGE thank you to those who ran with us, cheered us on course, rode bikes alongside, delivered a mobile aid station service, created a great finish experience, had special medals made… the list goes on.
You made a ‘virtual’ experience an outstanding experience

As usual we had our array of competitions. Amanda L became the first dual winner of the Pursuit backing up her win in May. Ebanie and Ryan sat atop the Mile Podium once again. While Leigh, Ryan, Steph, Pete, Alice, Brent and Melissa won their parkrun Age Grade Champions Monthly comp. A large number of Port parkrun PBs were recorded as we approach the end of our yearly championships with Ryan, Keelan, Neil, Steph, Tanisha, Robert, Annick and Emily setting new marks from our senior ranks. Added to this Beau, Annabelle and Theodore(twice) recorded new fastest times in our mini Pacers.

Pacer parkrun tourists were out and about at Airlie Beach, Avondale University College, Blackbutt, Cairns (no photo though), Gloucester, Horseshoe Bay Reserve SWR, Surfers Paradise, Taree, Urunga and Varsity Lakes.

Among the celebrations we had Beau’s 10th as well as Amanda, Pete and Adam’s 100th parkrun milestones. Pacers were out on the Elephant Trail with Kate and Molly getting podium results.

August brings more race travels but no one is confident in predicting what will be next. In the meantime keep preparing and hope for the best. Good luck and safe travels to Tamworth and beyond.