February saw the reemergence of the Pacer Train at parkrun where a phalanx of speed is used to help a Pacer comrade achieve their speed goals. Amazing times from Jon and Stevie were helped along by willing teammates. Keep it in mind if you have a nagging desire to run a special time have a chat to the coaches about some serious preparation and training. More outstanding performances from the younger crew at the state 5k championships and the NSW Junior Championships. Congratulations to Ryan and Keelan who ran 5k PB’s including a new club record. Unfortunately there was no record of individual performances at Juniors before publishing.
On a lighter side Binny’s amazing increase in speed has made it impossible to keep him in B Grade so he is now head to head with Ryan again and in a shock turn of events has caught him in the parkrun Age Grade championships. Watch this space for future movements.
February saw many Pacers performing at triathlon events with Hugh winning the 18-24 years men’s category at the Geelong Ironman. On top of this there was a slew of podium finishes at the Trial Bay Tri event as well. Congratulations and we hope your performances have been boosted a little by the work you each do with the Pacers. I know you push others along to greater heights and we are lucky to have such a talented bunch in our club.
Stay well folks and hope to see you out and about.