Parkrun is back. A big thanks to Jon and Sue (and their merry band of helpers). Xmas Day saw the return in Port Macquarie, a week after some other local parkruns were restarted. As expected Pacerdom folk were out and about enjoying their longed for opportunities. Hopefully healthy numbers of Pacers will continue to join in the fun as runners and vollies.

Pacers were also out and about on the parkrun Tourism trail with Taree, Wauchope and Horseshoe Bay (South West Rocks) being popular. But the biggest news in Pacerdom regarding parkrun Tourism was Carina’s visit to Varsity Lakes where she was able to complete her parkrun alphabet (minus the non-existent ‘X’ parkrun of course). Fantastic effort Carina.

As usual Pacer speedweek Mile and parkrun Championship events were held as well as the Pacer 8k Handicap Pursuit (even though the weather and time of the year made this much less competitive than in previous months). Hopefully the (not) parkrun Championships will be the very last with a return to actual parkruns by late December.

In other news the Pacer Virtual app is back up and running providing almost unending info on your running history with the Pacers. Details can found in the Pacers Facebook feed.
Training for our first big event after the restart, the Port RunFest, is now ramping up with our coaches designing 8 week training programs for those interested across 5k, 10k and Buster events. These can also be accessed through the Facebook page. With dozens of Pacers already entered we look forward to a successful return to competitive running events though how social distancing and a big group event will work together remains to be seen.
Finally we as a group would like to acknowledge and thank Larry and Yvette from Storage King Port Macquarie who have given us access to storage for our club ‘stuff’ until a permanent resolution to our problem can be arranged. This resolves an issue that has been of concern for successive committees.