January 2020

What on earth have we been up to since christmas?
Well, thanks for asking, its been another busy month!
It was a strong start to the new year, with Gary and Trent dominating at the Sawtell Running Festival. Closer to home we had 21 club members do the Port Macquarie / Wauchope parkrun double on New Years Day, with Ryan securing a win in both.

Amy scored herself a belated christmas present from Laura with a membership to the club – the ladies had a love-in (keep left ladies!)

the Thursday crew had a babyathon, and the sizzling friday long run sessions continued in the leadup to Port Running Festival, while Sue and the Dawso’s hit Tassie for the Cadbury Marathon weekend

The tuesday morning speed session was as popular as ever, poor Elise was inundated with kids and dogs, Suzie and Honni hit 200 and 100 parkruns!

and the Tuesday cruisers said a sad goodbye to Claire, poor Haley cooked herself, and the mountain goats ran some hills

a bunch of us hit the cars for a trip to Gloucester parkrun launch, we had our annual australia day hottest 100 laps of oxley oval, and we collected our RAV medals! Oh yeah, and we’re currently playing parkrun bingo! Its mayhem!

Saving Lives and Celebrations

Like a scene from BayWatch the Tuesday Crew saved a poor lass from drowning this week, when she fumbled her phone and then accidentally chased it into the Hastings River, just as they were beginning their Intervals session. Quicker than you can say ‘No Kiel, leave your singlet on’, they were helping her up the 1m drop and to safety. #Heroes

Speaking of wetness, Gary got himself a good soaking at Lake Macquarie parkrun, where he met up with our favourite Plodder Don. We miss you Don!

And on the other end of the spectrum, Chel went west to Goondiwindi, where she blitzed the field to be the first female home at parkrun. #QueenOfTheWest

Oh, and did we mention it was our second birthday. We celebrated in style, pacing parkrun. We had pacers pacing every minute from 18 minutes through to 40, and even a very pregnant Kylie had a crack pacing a lonely 50 minutes. Hopefully this will become a yearly tradition (the pacing, not the pregnancy)

Meanwhile, Sue did her 100th Port Macquarie parkrun, and scored herself an entry into their Hall of Fame!

The Run With No Medals :-(

But there’s nothing so lonesome, so morbid or drear
Than to stand at the start, of an event with no medals.
The sad story of the Pacer Ladies who snuck out to Brissie for the Bridge to Bridge Run, only to return home with no bling :-O Look at those sad faces 🙁

On a positive note though, the (CK)arina’s tackled Zillmere parkrun, and collected a parkrun alphabet Z for their efforts!

Closer(?) to home, a lunatic fringe braved a very early start and headed to Urunga to help celebrate its 100th parkrun. Hoping to finally crack 100 attendees, unfortunately they maxed out at 92, which is still a record for most attendees.


It was the weekend for travelling this weekend, with Lizzie and Claire heading south, a small crew took on the challenge of City To Surf, Carina knocked off our NENDY with a trip to Grafton, and the Poltoraskys went really west – to the Barossa where Leon scored himself a podium!

The journey begins though in Tuggeranong parkrun, where Lizzie and Claire were in fine form, both setting parkrun PBs. Great work ladies!

In Sydney, Paul, Amanda, Clarissa and Julie battled the crowds at City to Surf

Meanwhile Carina knocked off our club NENDY (nearest event not done yet) when she completed Grafton parkrun. Our NENDY now moves to Blue Gum Hills, 202kms from Port Macquarie in Minmi, which is west of Newcastle.

And lastly, in the Barossa, Natalia smashed out a half marathon, while Leon ran the 10km with Nik, and somehow secured himself an age-group podium! #LikeABoss

Beanies, golden guitars, emus and capes…

Well, it was a mixed bag on the weekend!

The Pacers showed their support for the Mark Hughes Foundation’s Beanies for Brain Cancer fundraiser with a run/walk and breakfast on Sunday, raising $220 towards this worthy cause.

A crew of eight Pacers took home their very own Golden Guitar medals from the Tamworth Running Festival – well done to Alisha, Madeline, Belynda, Dana, Max, Cliff, Gary and James! Well done to Gary on his Age Group win, and special mention to James for taking out the coveted sprint medal as well!!!

Chel and Dave made a new friend at Nambour Parkrun, Fluffy the emu! Selfies all round!

And the one and only Trish Davis jetted off to Bellerive parkrun as part of her Medibank parkrun hero prize, taking her nominator Lizzy J with her for the ride.

Last but not least, Dave ran an epic sub-4hr marathon at Sunny Coast… what a legend!!! Congrats!

Chills, Thrills and Sunday Hills

Did someone say Bushy?? Congrats to Julie for completing her trek to the home of parkrun, Bushy park last weekend. And speaking of parkrun, congrats to Dawso for completing his 100th parkrun on the weekend!

Meanwhile, we’re not sure what on earth is going on with our ThursDAY crew, but they’ve taken to recreating album covers in their post run photos!

Congratulations to Natalia for completing her first ultra-marathon, taking on the brutal Elephant Trail Race on Saturday, and the rest of the crew competing on Sunday in the the 25km and 13km.

Further to the south, Social Sunday trekked the last stages of the Beach To Brother course, as training for the event ramps up. Some running, some walking, some choosing the flatter options of a river run/walk. Well done to all.

Pacers take on Wauchope, Dave and Mads’ 50th parkrun

A huge contingent of very rugged up Pacers ran and drove to Wauchope on Saturday. There were some impressive performances, with members taking out age category records for the scenic course and PPL handicaps busted all over the place.

Dave and Mads celebrated their 50th parkrun with cake (of course) and a finish line guard of honour.

Off we go to Taree parkrun this weekend!

Happy Global Running Day

Well, Port parkrun was a PB-a-thon for Pacer members last weekend. Congratulations go out to Drew, Carina, Alexis, Damon, Steph and the crazy-fast Ryan on your PB runs!!!

Rob ran his 100th parkrun, congrats Rob!

A small, but no less amazing, Pacer team tackled the Brisbane Running Festival with Kylie B (the original) taking on the 10km, Sue smashing the half and Chris B absolutely killing it in the marathon! Well done crew!

Thanks to a frantic flurry of last minute voting, Pacers managed to win first place in the Essential Energy community grants, awarded $2,500 which will go towards new run/event equipment. Very exciting times ahead for our wonderful little Running Club!

Aquaman take out PPL and the R-Adelaidians dominate

In one of the least surprising surprises since the Bigeni baby announcement, Chel and James (aka Team Aquaman) busted open the Pacer Parkrun League final to take out the win! Congrats Aquaman, well-deserved!

And in a town a little further from home, five Pacers smashed out four marathons and a half marathon at the Adelaide Marathon Festival. Cliff led the race for the first 100m before settling in to run a cracking sub-3 hour marathon. Jon lucked out with the weather, avoiding his usual 35km mark sufferfest to clock a 3.36 on very little training. Rinnie smashed out her first full marathon with Dave supporting her all the way. And Sally gritted her teeth through injury to finish the half marathon. Well done guys!

UTA, SMH, Catwomen and Peter and Adam’s 50th parkrun!

Laura, Liz, Madeline, Nicole, Pat and Lizzie J went for a little stroll through the blue mountains on Saturday, all successfully making it up the infamous Furber stairs to complete the UTA22 course.

Chel and Ally ran the Sydney Morning Herald half marathon on Sunday, huge congratulations ladies, what an achievement for you both!

Congratulations also to Peter and Adam for completing their 50th parkrun!

And the semi-final of the chaotically complicated Pacer parkrun league saw a win for team Catwoman (Trish and Karina) and Team Aquaman (James and Chel) who will duke it out in the final this weekend!!!