April saw some magnificent running, terrific social building and a terrible tragedy. Our individual and collective hearts go out to Trish for her loss and we offer our deepest sympathies. Please be assured that each and every one of your fellow members would do anything to help at this time.
On a lighter note the magnificent running was never better exemplified than by Sue Fitz who smashed by 8 minutes a long held personal record in the 10k distance and smashed her 10 year old 5k PB. Tania also lowered her 5k parkrun best twice and gained our female all time record and also managed to win the Bottlebrush Half Marathon. Allison R also managed a 10k PB and 2 parkrun PBs and was joined in that feat by Dominic for an outstanding family result. Carly and Hugh came away from NewRun with Age Group wins. Rob Fish joined Tania atop the Bottlebrush winners podium and Ryan won the Canberra running festival 5.4k outright. Meanwhile Christine bettered the Age Grade Record at Port parkrun again. Simply outstanding.
The most satisfying performances must go to our youth members this month though. With Grace topping the mile, Preston finishing on the podium for the first time and the Gen Z/Alphas taking out our inaugural My Generation Team Challenge. We certainly have many, many talented youth runners.